these motivation posts will tell you what exactly motivation is and how it can be brought into your life to help you perform better.

So, ready to GET MOTIVATED??

First of all I want you to do two things.

One – Grab a piece of paper and write how you would define motivation. It is a common word we all use in daily life. How many of us have actually paused and thought what it really means?

Two  – Having defined motivation, write how you feel when you are motivated,, based on your definition.

Jot down such things as how you feel, what you think, and how you act when motivated. Additionally, give one or two examples of occasions when you have been motivated by someone or something.

Okay! Now let us see how the Chambers dictionary defines the word ‘motivate’. Here it goes:

  1. to be the motive of something or someone
  2. to cause or stimulate (a person) to act, to be the underlying cause of (an action)
  • He is motivated to work hard by the chances of earning a promotion.

Simply put, motivation is just something that drives you to action.

Now, Write down all those things that you feel are stopping you from being motivated and taking action.

The Change Formula

 This is a simple equation that you can apply whenever you are faced with the responsibility of taking a decision as to whether something should be done or not.

This is how it goes…

D x V x P > C


First of all, you must be really discontent with the way things are at present.


You should have a clear vision of the situation that you look forward to attaining through the change. You should also be clear as to why you want it.


You should be aware of the steps involved to implement the change. An action plan detailing the things you need to do has to be drawn up.

D x V x P is the formula of your desire for change.


What will you have to let go in order to make way for the change? How much will the change cost you? Will it affect your beliefs and ideologies?

The underlying rule is that you will proceed with the change only if your desire to change is greater than the costs of the change.

Categories: Motivation